Subject: Re: 2 easy ones
To: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
From: Lars M Gustafsson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/04/1998 00:08:42
>According to the man page for cron, it wakes up each minute, and checks
>the mod time on its spool directory and on /etc/crontab. If they have been
>modified since the last time cron woke up, it re-reades whatever has
>changed. So give it a minute, and it should notice automatically.

Hmmm.. i have no /etc/crontab , i have the /var/cron/tabs/  where i have
modyfied the "root" file , but as i said the changes where only taken
in at reboot. BUT.. just now , when trying to locate crontab i found out
that when running the command  "crontab root" the changes where taken in,
and now the first line in the /var/cron/tabs/root says:
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
So now it works.... , strange about the missing "/etc/crontab" though.

>What are the messages? Also, when you invoke the ftp command, are you
>routing the output to /dev/null?
I am ftp'ing from the outside into my NetBSD box, the message is:

Dec  3 23:48:25 snutte inetd[1751]: connection from kafka, service ftp 

This comes up all the time when i am logged in as root.
It gets annoying when i get it every 30 seconds, the update rate of the 

By the way, thanx for the quick help... sometimes one just need a push in
a new direction. :-)


"What is your one purpose in life ?"
"To explode of course"
--  Antiloop, Purpose in life