Subject: Re: -current does not like non-boot disk
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Michael R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/14/1998 23:47:46
>Scott thinks it's unlikely that it's a pmap-related problem, which
>is what I was kind of leaning toward.  I was making the assumption
>that if this is a machine-independent bug, someone else would be seeing
>similar behavior and that does not seem to be the case.

Does anybody recall the "kernel size" problem? I was getting problems with
this a long time ago. Perhaps now, the "voodoo zone" has entered the SCSI
driver code. In that case, it's definitely a pmap problem.

I'm working with -current from a month ago or so. When I was trying to install
a setup with that kernel the machine would boot and munge the file system.
Somtimes it wouldn't boot. It was all messed up, until I shut off uvm and
went back to the old vm system. Then it all worked fine.

Perhaps uvm is excercising the machdep memory code in a way it isn't expecting?

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill