Subject: Mac IIsi external video question
To: None <>
From: Marcus H. Mendenhall <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/31/1998 17:31:08
I am in the process of helping my son set up our old MacIIsi for NetBSD.
The machine has 17 M RAM, an external Syquest88 disk, and a Futura IIsx
video card.  Under the right conditions, all of these work. However, I have
not figured out one problem.  

I want to use a monitor attached to the
external video, and leave the internal unused.  I have done the 
"paper-clip in pins 4&11" trick to avoid the kernel memory mapping problem
described in the FAQ.  However, I haven't figured out how to get
netbsd to use the external video for its console.  I uses it 
for the console until about halfway through the boot, and then abandons
it in favor
of the internal video (which at this point has a paperclip, not a
monitor, resulting
in somewhat difficult viewing :-)).  Is there a way to tell the kernel to
completely ignore the internal video?  ( switch, e.g.) without recompiling
it?  A recompile will be quite painful without video.  It also isn't
easy to
capitulate and put the video monitor on the internal video.  We have an
ancient VGA  monitor from a yard sale on this machine, using a vga-mac adapter.
That adaptor works fine with the Futura card, but not the internal video.

Any help would be appreciated.


Marcus Mendenhall