Subject: Re: color status
To: Michael R. Zucca <>
From: David Huggins-Daines <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/07/1999 23:21:23
On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 08:20:12PM -0500, Michael R. Zucca wrote:
> I'm hoping to have very good support for the Q630. The 630's Valkyrie
> controller is revealed in the linux-ppc sources and I have permission to
> refer to the code for my work.

Yes, I'd been meaning to talk to you about this :-)

I've got a Q630 ( and I'm probably going to buy
another one for development, since due to the IDE, they are quite a bit
faster than other Macs (or even PCs) with the same CPU speed.  I've
been meaning to work on porting valkyriefb.c to m68k for a while.

I can help you with testing and debugging Valkyrie support in NetBSD
if I get another Q630 (the current one will be running a web/FTP mirror
for Linux/mac68k so I can't dual-boot it).

What do you know about the Valkyrie in the 630?  Which models of
PowerMac had it, anyway? (aside from the Performa 6300s, but they don't
count...)  Have you found its I/O base?  (it's configured by Open
Firmware on PPC, so there's not much if anything to go on there -
however, in some system profilers on MacOS, it shows up as a NuBus
device, though I haven't figured out exactly how that relates to
physical memory space...)


David Huggins-Daines                -
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