Subject: Re: color status
To: Michael R. Zucca <>
From: David Huggins-Daines <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/08/1999 23:22:48
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 11:07:37PM -0500, Michael R. Zucca wrote:
> I'm surprised you guys haven't already ported valkyriefb. The only thing you
Yes, I was also wondering that. But, udging from the state of the IDE
driver before I made it work the other week, I don't think any of the other
developers actually ever had a Q630 in front of them to play with.
The Q630 really rocks as far as m68k Macs go...
> needed was the bas address of the controller and the DAC. The rest of the
> chip functions just as it does on the PowerMacs.
Cool... That's what I was wondering - some people had indicated that it was
an earlier revision of the Valkyrie or something like that.
> Once you know that, you should be able to port valkyriefb in one evening.
> Enjoy!
Oh, I will, you can bet on that :-)
I'll get back to you once I've hacked on it a bit and understand what's
going on in there (I understand the framebuffer code in theory, but...)
"If humans could communicate by telepathy, there would be no need for a
phonological component, at least for the purposes of communication."
Chomsky, "Categories and Transformations"