Subject: Netatalk problem
To: None <>
From: Wolfy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/1999 15:10:24
I've installed the Netatalk package, because I'd like to be able to access
my NetBSD machine over AppleTalk. I get the following messages when it
Feb 18 18:00:02 macii atalkd[201]: route: 6 -> 8370.120: Network is
Feb 18 18:00:02 macii atalkd[201]: route: 7 -> 8370.120: Network is
Feb 18 18:00:02 macii atalkd[201]: route: 8 -> 8370.120: Network is
(and so on...many times)
Feb 18 18:00:29 macii atalkd[201]: ready -1/0/0
and when afpd tries to start up:
Feb 18 18:00:47 macii afpd[223]: of_init: malloc: Undefined error: 0
So of course macii doesn't show up in the Chooser.
Any ideas?
getzones works just fine, lists my zones, and aecho gets responses from
local machines
Do I have something configured wrong maybe?
Thanks much
Gregory Smith