Subject: Re: Current-031599 on PB540C
To: None <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/18/1999 12:46:28
On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Colin Wood wrote:

> > 	I've succeeded in installing Current on the powerbook, but
> > it doesn't finish booting. It gets to the line:
> > 
> > boot on sd0a dumps on sd0b.
> i'm amazed it got that far :-)

	I've actually had a PB540c boot into multi-user and almost
function properly, besides the LC040 problems. I think it was a
combination of HWDIRECT and SBC. The NCR driver always broke things. I
have the original IBM 320MB internal drive, and it didn't much like the
NCR driver. Also, MRG caused problems I think... so try using a
HWDIRECTSBC kernel, if they are still being distributed... otherwise I'm
sure you'll be able to find someone to build you one.

	Good luck!


HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!
Vidi, vici, veni. (I saw, I conquered, I came.)