Subject: Re: problems installing/compiling programs
To: j blank <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/03/1999 10:13:39
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, j blank wrote:

> secondly, i also downloaded the perl m68k binary from, and
> managed to get it unpacked in /usr/bin, however, when i type in 'which perl' i
> get the response 'command not found'; however, when i type in the full path
> ('which /usr/bin/perl'), it returns '/usr/bin/perl'. what did i do wrong, and
> how do i fix it, so i can avoid this mistake in the future?

you got it from the packages collection?  ie,

If so you don't extract it by hand but rather with pkg_add.  See
for more information on the package system.  Also, bash is available from
the packages collection and I highly recommend getting it that way.
