Subject: Re: Asante & IIci cache card
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/24/1999 11:04:26
i'm very sorry, but only now, after you taught mme how to relate the dm
and sb commands in Macsbug to the Nubus slots where you are talking to,
I realised, using "dm feed0000" etc. I'd have always spoken to the
wrong one. (I had changed the slots after your advice to test, if there
might be a broken Nubus slot). I'm inconsolable, but please consider,
I'm really not that hardware expert :))
Anyway, the Asante MacCon is in slot D on the IIci and here come all
infos I got about:
1) Info from "Slots" (program):
FHeader block: SInfo block: FDFF8010
fhDirOffset: 00FFC01C siDirPTr: 0000
fhLength: 00003FF8 siInitStatusA: 0000
fhCRC: 42DBDB1B siInitStatusV: 00
fhROMRev: 01 siState: 05
fhFormat: 01 siCPUByteLanes: FE
fhTstPat: 5A932BC7 siTopOfROM: 00
fhReserved: 00 siStatusFlags: 0064
fhByteLanes: A5 siTOConstant: 0000
01 000010 ---> 01 000014 ---> 0001 0000 0000 0000
80 000080 --| 02 000018 ---> MacCon Ethernet
81 0000B4 -|| 20 000008
FF 000000 || 24 000020 ---> 01 000010 -> Asante Techn., Inc
|| FF 000000 03 000028 -> Alpha-1.0
|| 04 000030 -> MacCon Ethernet
|| FF 000000
|-> 01 000014 ---> 0004 0001 0104 0100
| 02 000018 ---> Network Ethernet_Asante
| 0A 00002C ---> 000D0000
| 80 FFFF68
| FF 000000
--> 01 000030 ---> 0002 0001 0000 0000
02 000034 ---> Test Asante Ethernet ROM
20 000012
21 004321
22 00000C ---> 07261990
23 00000C ---> Nghiep Dinh Le
FF 000000
2) What Asante Troubleshooter says:
Ram test failed at fddd0000H, expect: 0H, actual: 60H
NIC Arbitration Failed
NIC Transmission Failed. Transmit collided.
3) Macsbug:
a) (addressing fddd000)
dm fddd0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDDD0000 0960 07FF FFFF 0000 0060 0000 0062 AAAA *`********`***b=81=81
sb fddd0000 FF
Memory set starting at FDDD0000
dm fddd0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDDD0000 FFFF FFFF FFFF 0000 0060 0000 0062 AAAA *`********`***b=81=81
sb fddd0000 00
Memory set starting at FDDD0000
dm fddd0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDDD0000 0060 0000 FFFF 0000 0060 0000 0062 AAAA *`********`***b=81=81
b) (addressing fded0000)
dm fded0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDED0000 1EE5 FFFF BF8D D2BC 874B 9F11 1BF7 56FE ****=F8=E7"=BA=E1K=FC*=
sb fded0000 FF
Memory set starting at FDDD0000
dm fded0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDED0000 FFFF FFFF BF8D D2BC 874B 9F11 1BF7 56FE ****=F8=E7"=BA=E1K=FC*=
sb fded0000 00
Memory set starting at FDDD0000
dm fded0000
Displaying memory from fddd00000
FDED0000 0060 0000 BF8D D2BC 874B 9F11 1BF7 56FE ****=F8=E7"=BA=E1K=FC*=
Allen, please note in 1) (Slots) Asante Techn., Inc is abbreviated by
myself. Really it is Asante Technologies, Inc. And in 3 b), at the
first displaying line there is indeed missing the final * (it's one
character less than all other displaying lines).
Now, I hope, you might be able to deduct something from this.
Sorry again and TIA,
On 5:18 Uhr +0200 24.06.1999, Allen Briggs wrote:
> > Does this make things clearer?
> Yeah. Barely. Just as a guess, it seems that your nubus hardware is
> somehow busted on the IIci. I think it's having trouble decoding some
> of the address lines properly or something.
> I really can't explain it any other way... :-(
> -allen