Subject: Re: can a partition be expanded?
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/25/1999 20:32:35
>> like i said before tho, it's pretty easy to just create another partition,
>> mount in on /a or something like that, and then make symbolic links
>> wherever you need to do so.
>That's what I usually do. :-)
The big downside there, though, is that then you're hard-limited to _where_
the space is being allocated. You have to try to plan ahead to decide what
to put in each partition, so that one won't fill up before the others. Then
if it does fill up, then you've got to copy over another directory to where
there IS space, & make a new symbolic link.
With one big partition, then you don't have to monitor or change anything
except the amount of total crap on your system.
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.