Subject: Re: newfs gotcha, was can a partition be expanded?
To: John Valdes <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/28/1999 12:16:07
On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, John Valdes wrote:
> Frederick Bruckman writes:
> Actually, for repartitioning, is the BSD disklabel command safe to run
> on Mac disks, or must one use a MacOS disk partitioning utility? If
> disklabel is safe, then the complete procedure would be:
I don't consider disklabel safe. AFAIK, it will overwrite information in
the first sector, including the magic value which indicates that the disk
has macos partitions on it. :-)
> - reboot into single-user mode (by setting the appropriate option
> in the NetBSD Booter)
> - umount /usr
> - dump -0 ... /usr (if you haven't already)
> - disklabel -e /dev/rsdNx
> - newfs, fsck, mount, restore as above.
Be careful with newfs. To make a filesystem the installer and booter can
deal with, you need to use the -O option (which makes an older
filesystem). Otherwise the installer will go bonkers & probably destroy
your partition. :-)
Take care,