Subject: Re: kernel, printer, floppy
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/06/1999 23:03:11
At 19:33 Uhr +0200 06.07.1999, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
>but i know my mac][ has a NCR-type controller. while i was swapping my
>upgrades (PMMU, ram, SWIM, 4 roms chips) i controlled: it is a NCR... so
>why does only the SBC works decently?
"sbc" and "ncrscsi" deal with the same chip (ncr5380).
>and now to the floppy....
>do i have to build special devices? how?
>/dev/rfd0a and similar (/dev/fd0) say device isn't there....
>so "Mac oriented" suggestions on how to use the floppy would be great.
Become root and "cd /dev ; sh MAKEDEV all" should give you
[hauke@espresso] ~ > ls /dev/?fd??
/dev/rfd0a /dev/rfd0d /dev/rfd0g /dev/rfd1b /dev/rfd1e /dev/rfd1h
/dev/rfd0b /dev/rfd0e /dev/rfd0h /dev/rfd1c /dev/rfd1f
/dev/rfd0c /dev/rfd0f /dev/rfd1a /dev/rfd1d /dev/rfd1g
[hauke@espresso] ~ >
"It's never straight up and down" (DEVO)