Subject: dynip client works with netBSD 1.4
To: None <>
From: Tallinu <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/10/1999 17:26:14
I went to the dynip website at and downloaded
the freeBSD .tar.gz version of their program that allows you
by using a client program to have static name that points
to your computer. In my case, its
Its free to test for 30days, and seems to be working fine, I've also
changed my name in /etc/myname to my newname with no bad effects
yet, and mail seems to work great. I tested the "pointer" with
telnet, and it seems to work fine there.
The build works fine, though you will have to use an other than
defualt location for the man pages. Though they are available
on the web site as well for unix versions.
The seems to be a rather inexspensive cure to have a doman name.