Subject: Re: IP-NAT
To: Keith Fischer <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/12/1999 14:52:15
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Keith Fischer wrote:

> Why would I run named or gatd?  Isn't my ISP taking care of that?  So I

I vaguely recall, at least with MkLinux as a gateway, that I have to run
routed on... either the client or the gateway, I forget which, or else I
don't get anywhere.  It's been a while since I've monkeyed with IP-NAT or
IP masquerading, though, so I could be remembering wrong.

> just tell my client computers that the DNS address is the real cable modem
> ISP address and the NetBSD forwards the packet to the modem since it isn''t
> destined for a 10.0.2.x LAN computer.  Is that a bad idea?

_should_ work.  It'd be faster if it's cached on a local system than
behind a cable modem.  Beyond that, though, it should work, AFAIK.
