Subject: Re: Kernel with no video?
To: None <>
From: Matthew Reilly <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/13/1999 14:42:04
Colin Wood wrote:
> Matthew Reilly wrote:
> > Is it possible to compile a kernel with no video at all? Would there be
> > any benefit? I'm running my Q700 headless and would like to strip it
> > down to the essentials.
> ummmm...maybe. you can certainly remove intvid, macvid, grf, and ite from
> the config file. whether or not it will boot without the ite, tho, it's
> hard to say....try it and see!
> good luck :-)
> colin
I couldn't even get that far, when I comment all of that out I get a
load of errors when I try to compile. It seem like something somewhere
is still referencing video stuff. Oh well, no biggie, just wondering if
it was possible.