Subject: Re: permission denied...
To: Le Quan Ninh <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/14/1999 13:42:53
Le Quan Ninh wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installed NetBSD 1.4 on my PowerBook 520. It seems that the install
> was successful but after I indicates vt220 as a terminal, the sentence
> "Don't login as root, use the su command" appears.
> I hit return to get the prompt and cannot have access to the /etc directory.
> I hit /etc : Is it the right command ?


> because it answers :
> /etc: Permission denied. What can I do ?

cd /etc

> Thanks in advance for your patience and your answer,

you really want to get yourself a beginner's guide to using unix it sounds
like to me, either that or start familiarizing yourself with the manual
pages.  to use them, do:

man <command>

you also probably want to setup an account for yourself to avoid the
annoying "use su" message you noted above.  try 'man 8 adduser' for more
information on how to add a user.

i hope this helps some.

