Subject: RE: virtual consoles?
To: None <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/1999 20:59:07
Alex Zepeda <> writes:

/ I've finally got NetBSD (1.4) up and running reasonably well (I sure wish
/ that the userland ppp program was included with the base 'package').  But
/ so far I've been unable to do three things: 

/ 1.) Get the arrow keys working with vi (I'm afraid of what emacs will do
/ to this poor system :^)).

Have you tried defining mappings in a .exrc file?  The general format is

map <key-to-map-to> <key-to-map-from>

For the arrow keys, this would be something to the effect of:

map x h
map x j
map x k
map x l

But where the 'x' appears, you need to make a literal insertion of the
arrow key in question.  While in insert mode, press Control-v (tells vi
to capture the next character literally), then press the apropriate
arrow key for the movement command.

A key by key replay of the first line: enter insert mode):

	map <space> Ctrl-v left-array <space> h

/ 2.) For the life of me, I can't figure out how to switch or create virtual
/ consoles.  Is this even possible? or should I bite the bullet and install
/ X?  Or use a serial console?
/ 3.) Speaking of the console, is there any way to invert the color choice?
/ With all this white, I've found I can turn off the lights in my room and
/ still see everything :^)

dt might work out for you.

Good luck.