Subject: Re: compilling probs
To: Colomb <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/09/1999 14:08:07
On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Colomb wrote:

> 	Just wanted to see if I could compile a simple console program and
> to my surprise I was able to.  The only problem is every time I execute it,
> nothing happens.  There should be some output to the console, but non shows
> up.  To compile the app I use "g++ -Wall -o test".
If "." isn't before "/bin" in your path, you were running the program
/bin/test.  To find out, do

%  which test

do make sure you run the correct program,

%  ./test

> I used to use
> makefile on a Unix box a school, but for the life of me I can't remember
> how to write the nakefile and the man pages only refer to a Tutorial for
> that.

A really simple one would be:

test:  test.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< 

I'd recommend reading the O'Reilly book "Managing Projects with Make" or
go to the gnu web page,, and find the manual for gmake.

> Any ideas?  Also, is iostream.h part of netbsd includes or is that
> extra.  I couldn't find it in the include directory (stdio was there
> though), and nothing for it under the man pages.  

dan@cowboy-burt 19 # find /usr/include -name "iostream.h" -print


ps, this is really more netbsd-users material as its not port-mac68k