Subject: Re: Compile Question
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/1999 18:21:07
>I'm trying to compile a port scanner on netbsd 1.3.2 to test for holes
>in my security. When I complile I get these errors.
My first advice would be to check out /usr/pkgsrc/net/nmap/
Nmap is in the package system, and is a great network host scanner. Also
available is the un*x equivalent of AG Group's EtherPeek, called Etherreal.
>generic include file. Do I have that right? The permissions on these
>files are like this:
>c-----S--- 1 768 1792 208, 0 Nov 10 2019 time.h
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<----this is puzzling
Hmm, odd. I've got
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 5781 May 07 23:44 /usr/include/time.h
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 6198 May 07 23:54 /usr/include/sys/time.h
>This could conceivebley be a damaged file system. I reacently had to
>fsck -y on it and load in the sbc kernel. There was a whole bunch of
>scrolling/removing going on. I think it removed the man 5 subdirectory
>`cause man gcc doesn't return anything.
>Maybe i need to reinstall comp.tgz & man.tgz or everything.
I'd definitely go for a reinstall. It looks like you definitely have file
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