Subject: Re: Stylewriter driver (was Re: xemacs printing)
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/03/1999 12:40:47
On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> I've been thinking about that for some time, and now I believe I have
> a solution. Since /usr/bin/nroff is simply a shell script, it's
> trivial to patch in a hook for printing. You could either apply the
> following patch to nroff directly, or patch a copy in /usr/local/bin,
> also changing the path to nroff in /etc/man.conf accordingly. Then, in
> [t]csh, "setenv PRINTMAN yes; setenv PAGER='lpr -Plpstylus'; man foo"
> or sh, "export PRINTMAN=yes; export PAGER='lpr -Plpstylus'; man foo".
> To disable, "unset[env] PRINTMAN; unset[env] PAGER". So far, I've only
> tested this by leaving my PAGER set at "less"...
I like the idea of being able to spit out ps, but maybe the thing to do is
to find a language class which'd generate postscript. ??
Sounds like a thread for tech-userlevel. :-)
Take care,