Subject: Re: NetBSD partition beyond first GB
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/17/1999 07:43:38
On Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:18:32 -0400 (EDT), Balazs Bela Kosaras <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried installing NetBSD 1.4 onto a 4.26 GB IBM DDRS drive. I set up
> several partitions (not more than 6) with Mkfs_1.45. I created the
> necessary mounting points. Then, I ran into problems with the Installer in
> the mini shell when trying to mount file systems that were beyond the
> first GB on the disk. When I used mount from /, I got the infamous Error
> on SCSIRead(), #5; but, from /usr it simply said the device was busy. Sure
> enough, once I fit all partitions within the first GB (actually, the last
> partition could extend beyond the first GB as long as it started within
> the first GB), mounting was not a problem. Has anyone ran into similar
> problems with large SCSI disks? Are there any fixes?

It's a known problem.  You have to move those partitions Installer
needs to access to somewhere in the first GB of the disk.  You can,
however, have NetBSD partitions anywhere, even above the first GB on
the disk as long as you don't try to mount it in the Installer.

Of course you can have multiple NetBSD partitions within the first GB
and MacOS partitions above it if you want to.
