Subject: Re: netboot from system 7.1? (was: how to install on a cold
To: Tommy Smith <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/07/1999 08:43:16
"Tommy Smith" wrote:
>I've tried both "transmac" and AppleTalk (NT - shared directory) without
>succseed. Both of them manage to copy the disk sets from Apple (ftp) to
>the mac, but my system 7.1 just proclaim that it could'nt open the files
>because the program that created the file is not present.
Don't try to open them by "double-clicking" because they will look for
DiskCopy instead of DiskMount. Instead, start up DiskMount and click on one
of the "Disk Wannabees"
Dan Killoran
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