Subject: Re: Xsurvey[was NetBSD/mac68k collection]
To: T@W <>
From: Grant Stockly <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/1999 16:03:58
>Bob Nestor wrote:
>>While working with a new user trying to get X up and running [snip...].
>>On a related subject, it appears right now like X support for the MacTV
>>might have gotten lost somewhere between version 1.3 and version 1.4.1.
>>I wonder if anyone else has noticed that X no longer works on their
>>system, what model system this happens on, and if you have any clues as
>>to why or what happened.
>I've noticed the following on my LC475 (noFPU):
>With the X11 daemons (xfs & xdm) enabled in rc.conf I boot multi-usermode.
>Boots normally to the point where it starts fighting between starting up X
>and a normal loginprompt....and waits and waits and.....
>oh what the hack...I do ctrl-c.
>Presto, X comes up nicely with the whistles and bells.
You can run NetBSD and actually do X without an FPU? Did you do anything
special? I thought that without an FPU it would be hard to get to
multi-user mode.