Subject: odd... very very odd... (help)
To: None <>
From: Cary Wiedemann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/1999 02:29:35
I got done installing NetBSD on my Performa 600, set up everything 
correctly (I think), and then ran the booter.  Everything seemed to go 
fine, until I typed 'ps -aux'    Then, this scrolled continuousley on my 

Unexpected phase change.
scsi_show: scsi_main is not running
REQ-CONNECTED: 0 0x1f20000[8192] cmd[0]=a S=0 H=ff R=0 resid=8192 
Bus signals (7c/00): I/OIC/DIMSG|REQ|BSY
Dma status (30): IRQIEPAR
phase = 0, busy:1, spl:2204
	0	scsi_main4
	1	scsi_main5
	2	scsi_main1
	3	scsi_select1
	4	tpio1
	5	tpio2
	6	scsi_select10
	7	info_transf1
	8	tpio1
	9	tpio2
	10	info_transf5
	11	info_transf1
	12	info_transf3
	13	transfer_pdma0
	14	waiting for interrupt

After pounding on my keyboard for a good 30 seconds, I finally got to:

Panic switch: PC is 0x14a358.
Stopped in savecore at _Debugger+0x6:  unlk       a6

That's where the comp. freezes, and I have to restart.
It happens at different places with every attempt: sometimes when trying 
to list a folder, sometimes when in vi, etc. 

Occasionally, they arn't infinite either...  but usually they are.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?   Anyone have any fixes?
This "use NetBSD for three minutes then reboot thing" is getting pretty 

Thanks for your time.

- Cary Wiedemann