Subject: Re: X Window manager
To: Kadari Mayson <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/2000 21:38:48
On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Kadari Mayson wrote:

> What is everyone's favorite X environment?  There are sooo damn many
> choices I cant choose.  I downloaded FVWM because it was the smallest
> however.  Which leads me to my second question: now that I downloaded
> all of the packages necessary run fvwm how do I use it?  startx loads
> twm by default.  Is startx -- fvwm correct?

you'll want to creat a file called '.xinitrc' in your home directory.
Then put something like this in it.  You don't need all this stuff, but
its an example of some of the things you can do:

# fire up an xconxole
xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed -exitOnFail

# a few xterms...
xterm -sb -geometry 100x26+0+480 &
xterm -sb -geometry 100x26+640+0 &

# a clock
xclock -geometry 100x100+430+370 &

# pick a window manager.  I like fvwm, but if it doesn't exist, then
# fall back to the tried and true twm....
if [ -x "`which fvwm2`" ]; then
  fvwm2 &
elif [ -x "`which fvwm`" ]; then
  fvwm &
  twm &

# Create the login window which will log us out when it exits
XTITLE="`uname -n`: (login)"
export XTITLE
xterm -rv -iconic -ls -geom 80x25+0+60 -T "$XTITLE" -n "$XTITLE"

Then just do 'startx'.  It should notice the existance of this file and
run it.  

Hope this helps.
