Subject: Re: compiler
To: None <>
From: Paul Sander <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/02/2000 19:47:15
--- Forwarded mail from

>> Another issue is the speed of the NetBSD machine you are using.  A
>> II-series machine will be very slow.  A Quadra will be OK, but no speed
>> demon by modern standards.
>> IMHO a 680[23]0 machine will be too slow for realistic assignments, but
>> usable for hello world class stuff.  Also OK for a lot of
>> networking/routing work.

>Am I to conclude from this that the 'rumors' about Unix/Linux/BSD being 
>fast on older Macs and PC's are less than accurate? I had dreams of 
>breathing life back into several of these old machines. Is it just a 
>bunch of nonsense?

Keep in mind that these machines are comparable in horsepower to Sun 3
series workstations circa 10 years ago.  Pretty much anything those machines
could do with SunOS 4, you can do with NetBSD today on older Macs.
Significant projects can be developed, but not on the scale we take for
granted today.  You should be able compile a million lines of C code
overnight on such machines, and have them run reasonably well if their
design is efficient.