Subject: Failure to boot (SCSI related?) Help!
To: None <>
From: Cary Wiedemann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/16/2000 02:55:42
Argh... I'm ready to shoot this computer...
Here's my setup:
Centris 610 (upgraded with full 68040 from friend's Amiga)
16 megs of ram
500 meg scsi hd
After installing the packages and dropping into NetBSD for the first
time, everything works fine. It throws me into single-user mode, and
tells me to edit rc.conf... Which I do.
Upon restarting, I get a slew of crap thrown at me while trying to boot
into the NetBSD side... Sample output:
nubus0 at mainbus0
fpu0 at mainbus0 (mc68040)
trap type 1, code = 0x0, v = 0x13c
kernel program counter = 0x19a
kernel: Address error trap
pid = 0, pc = 0000019A, ps = 2004, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
dreg: <lots of binary stuff>
areg: <lots of binary stuff>
Kernel stack (001EDEAC):
<<11 lines of binary stuff>>
panic: Addresss error
Stopped in swapper at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
This happens with both the generic, and the sbc kernels.
The output isn't exactally that every time either... It's been an "MMU
error", "stack error", etc.
Anyone have any idea what's going on, and/or how to fix it?
Thanks for your time.
- Cary Wiedemann
"Sleep is a caffeine substitute."
P.S. I mention that it might be SCSI related in the topic because in
the installer program, I see: "Error SCSIRead(#5)" [or something like
that] upon launch. Now it's 2:52 AM and I have school tommorow,
g'night, so goodnight.