Subject: Re: BSD + IPNR?
To: None <>
From: Lloyd I Freese Jr <dwarf@Op.Net>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/07/2000 17:30:39
That how I get you to the net. Assuming you have IPNR set up 
correctly you just need to give the NetBSD box an IP on the same net 
and set it's gateway to the IP of the IPNR box.

>A quick question (stop me if you've heard it before):
>I have IPNetRouter running (finally) on my G3, and have NetBSD on my WGS
>80.  Will BSD be able to recognize the IPNR link and connect to the Net
>through it?
>If this is a FAQ, feel free to just beat me over the head with the FAQ
>address; I just got IPNR set up last night, and figured this list might
>have a quick/easy answer :)
>  Zaren Ankleweed - Bitdancer, Freelance | "We come from the sea, Tim; our
>  Acquisitions Agent, Minister for "Bob" | blood is salt, and strange tides
>  a.k.a. Zaren on #macintosh in the IRC  | ebb and flow within us all."
>       "You're a madman!" --fkrol        | Rose, _The Books of Magic_


When they took the 2nd amendment, I was quiet because I didn't own a gun.

When they took the 4th amendment, I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs.

When they took the 5th amendment, I was quiet because I was innocent.

Now they've taken the 1st amendment, and I can't say anything at all.