Subject: Re: List of working LC PDS?
To: None <>
From: Erik Winkler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/08/2000 09:48:20
Levi Sluder wrote:
> Hey, I have NetBSD/Mac68k working on my LC III (Finally) and I'm going
> to buy a LC PDS ethernet card. Does anyone know which card(s) DOES work?
> I'm buying off ebay so I can hold out until I find a brand that I know
> works. Thanks...
> -- Levi Sluder
I recommend one of the Farallon LC PDS cards. I have one in my LC III and
it works great. Make sure it has at least 32K of memory. 16K cards have
been giving me ring buffer overrun errors. I've never gotten one with the
Farallon card.