Subject: Re: df gives negative capacity
To: Paul Sander <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/12/2000 16:36:49
Paul Sander ( wrote:
>>Paul Sander ( wrote:
>>>The Mkfs version I'm using is the one that has no version number in its
>>>name on the NetBSD distribution. (There are two or three versions of all
>>>of Mkfs, Installer, and Booter; the older ones seem to have version numbers
>>>in their names.)
>>You'd have to be using a version of Mkfs that's older than dirt then. The
>>SCSI ID/selection screen has the version number at the top.
>>>What's causing this, and how do I fix it?
>>Most likely what you've done is used Mkfs 1.46 which no longer exists
>>because it has this problem. Look in arch/mac68k/installation for Mkfs
>>1.47 and use it instead. It solves the problem you describe.
>It turns out that I was using the default version that's supplied with
>NetBSD 1.4.1 as downloaded from the web site, which is v1.46. The older
>v1.45 is also available for download with the distribution.
Yes, I noticed this yesterday. I thought I'd eliminated all traces of
1.46 but obviously hadn't. Hopefully it's gone now and properly replaced
with 1.47, at least that's what I think I did. Sorry about the problems
1.46 caused you.