Subject: Re: 68040
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Jude Giampaolo <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/13/2000 06:28:38
At 7:55 PM -0800 3/12/00, Todd Whitesel wrote:
>> I popped the 040/33 into the centris and it did not seem to notice the
>> difference. Apple System profiler still reports the machine as being a
>> centris 650 with a 25 mhz 040. Just for gigles I \zapped the pram which
>> seemed to make no difference. It still boots into bsd without a problem.
>The CPU doesn't know how to make itself run at any specific speed.
>The speed rating it was given comes from how fast it could run when
>it passed tests at the factory.
Due to the way the '040 works they also have a minumum rated speed. I think
the 33MHz model has a minimum clock speed of 25MHz. This is not the case
for the earlier 680x0 series.
Jude Giampaolo