Subject: RE: IIsi and internal scsi devices
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/24/2000 11:29:23
>I'm trying to install netbsd on a IIsi. It's currently got a 40MB hd, so I
>tried to swap it out with a 2.0GB hd. But, for some reason, the IIsi
>wouldn't recognize it. The scsi id is the same, do i need to mess with
>any other of the terminiation/id settings on the drive?
Beside the termination and unique id topics mentioned by others on=20
the list, I've got one more!
As I, more than.. huh.. 5years ago, upgraded my IIsi's HD from Apple's=20
40MB to a then wicked fast and modern IBM 540MB harddrive, I had to
deactivate the "target initiated transfer negotiation" on the drive by mean=
of a jumper.
This may apply for other oldie-goldie Macs too when equipping them
with newer hds.
>The only article I found regarding this subject was:=20
sorry, I for me cannot follow this link
>Thanks in advance!
>John David Garza
Have Fun