Subject: Inaccurate NetBSD_ROM Output
To: None <>
From: T@W <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/25/2000 12:01:03
Hi all,
running the NetBSD_ROM utility gives wrong output:
>This is a 68k system using a 68040 CPU, 68881 FPU, 68040 MMU
I'm running the LC040 (due to the simple fact that it is very difficult to
obtain the real maccoy overhere).
> Internal disk is an IDE, not currently supported by NetBSD/mac68k
>Basic hardware required for NetBSD/mac68k is present, but the following
> things might be problems that need to be considered:
> Internal disk is an IDE, not currently supported by NetBSD/mac68k
This is plainly Not True. My internal is definitely SCSI.
Is there a simple explanation?
Thanks and.... have a nice weekend.
BTW Remember setting your clocks, it's Summertime again.