Subject: Re: ppp setup
To: NetBSD help <>
From: Bradley R. Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/27/2000 19:28:18
The latest version of StuffIt Expander ( can unpack .tgz files.
If SimpleText can't handle the text files than BBEdit Lite can ( They are both free downloads.

On 3/26/2000 at 21:40, (Jim Watson) wrote:

> I want to configure ppp on my mac se/30..  I have downloaded 2
> documents: ppp.setup.tgz & ppp-dod.tgz to my imac that are going to tell
> me how to plug & play with ppp on unix.  Is there any way I can get
> these  doc on my unix machine since I don't have ftp running. Better yes
> is there a text or HTML version of thes instructions...
> jim watson