Subject: Re: Installing (pkg_add)
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Jim Watson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/05/2000 15:27:31
Looking at the email on this subject there is a lot of confusion..

Quoting Strurgers Martin in Cool Hand Luke, "What we have here is a
failure to communicate":

In the installation documentation there  is NO prohibition about
installing packages, in fact a person reading the documentation would be
led to believe that it is possible to accomplish that very thing
especially if one is a newbie and a point and click person.

I looked at the BSD install and said to myself "self" this beats the
hell out of the way that Debian installs. Its so much easier. Little did
I understand. BSD is still easier than Debian,  which is prone to bomb
in the install with a messy core dump.

I now understand the process:  pkg_add must be used to install packages
from the CDrom, downloaded packages or ftd package installs.

The installer 1.1g is to be used to install: base, comp, etc, games,
man, misc, text, xbase, xcomp, xconfig, xfont & xserver....

Now with all that said and the packages and there dependencies installed
with pkg_add ,  Stylewriter still will not print because it can't find
the file  the specific error message was

/usr/libexec/ gs:  no file or directory.....

I am thinking that this file is missing from Ghostscripts........

Frederick Bruckman wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Jim Watson wrote:
> > Can I install the ghostscripts using the installer on the mac.....
> Maybe, but why? Even if you put everything in the right place to run,
> it wouldn't be registered correctly (so pkg_delete can't work). You
> should use "pkg_add" to install packages.