Subject: Re: installing
To: None <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/05/2000 21:48:30
> cpin dosn't work
> I copy a tgz file to the mac drive and do cpin joe.2.8.tgz /usr/pkg/joe.2.8.tgz
> and IT DOSNT WORK. Minishell tells me it can't open the file on the mac drive.
Was joe.2.8.tgz in the same folder as the installer?
If not, I believe you need to fully qualify the name (eg
"Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:foo.tgz")
I believe that works ... but haven't done it myself in a while.
> Tell me guys I installed the darn OS with the mac installer WHY CAN'T I INSTALL
> MiniShell dosn't work
> how am I supposed to get the apps installed?
> Help in minishell is no help.
cpin & the Mac Installer will allow you to get the package .tgz files
onto your BSD partition. However, most packages contain a number of
different components, libraries, etc ... some of which may or may not
depend on the existence of other packages. In order for everything to
wind up in the correct place, you'll need to use pkg-add from the netbsd
You may want to have a look at
(or even just
if you haven't already.
Good luck!
Steve Revilak