Subject: Re: nubus ethernet cards
To: Guy Santiglia <>
From: Erik Winkler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/15/2000 20:31:01
I noticed a mouse-pppoe package in the 1.4.2 directory. I haven't been
able to test it since I don't have a PPPoE DSL connection. It does run,
but you may have to play around with ppp scripts to get it to work with a
DSL connection.
Guy Santiglia wrote:
> I'm internested in using my quadra 610 as a gateway for my home network.
> I want to use the onboard ethernet as one interface and get a
> nubus adapter and a 7" nubus ethernet card for the other.
> Does any one know of any problems I might have with this setup?
> I saw a card on Ebay that said "Mac Nubus Ethernet card"
> Should that work with netbsd?
> And I saw a nubus adapter for a centris 610; Would that also work with
> a quadra 610?
> And my DSL provider is using PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet). Do we have
> any packages that will support PPPoE?
> Thanks,
> Guy
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