Subject: Re: NetBSD for 68K Support Website
To: NetBSD Macintosh 68K port <>
From: Emile Schwarz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/19/2000 12:13:27
Hi Erik et al.,
I go to your web site and reach your "novice documentation" very usefull.
Can you add something like:
BASE.TGZ The core base distribution file
COMP.TGZ The C compiler (?)
KERN.TGZ The Kernel
KERN_SBC.TGZ The Kernel (sbc ???)
MAN.TGZ Man pages
MISC.TGZ Miscellaneous stuff
XSERVER.TGZ X Server files
for all the "standard files" included in the distribution _BUT_ with accurate
description (and not what I wrote above); eventually a small description (like a
ToC) in a table with a link to a more solid description.
Other "novice" missing stuff:
• What is the difference between the standard file name and a file name with SBC
inside ? (looks like Intel inside this one...)
• "OK folks, I've booted ok, but now, what can I do ?"
In other words, some lines to explain where are the "standard" software
applications, how to run and quit them.
Last but not least:
• reboot key word is fine, but <shutdown -p now> for true shutdown is good too
(it took me days (or weeks) before I reach this one, so I shutdown removing the
power supply cord).
• because there is also "overseas", a method to change the keyboard mapping to
reflect the one draw in the int'l keyboards; I mean I'm French and I use the
keyboard Apple sold with its Macintosh: an AZERTY keyboard. Actually, if I want
to see the m/M key, I have to press to the ,/? key ! (hey, this one was easy,
but all the numbers came standard and if I want to use the other chars, I have
to press the Shift key!)
Sorry to be so prolific, but:
a. you ask for comments
b. I’m novice to NetBSD (even if I use computers since 1981 and works 5 years at
Apple France...)
c. I’m always happy to have a place where I can ask questions (not really, "a
place where I can reach answer" is more accurate; _but_ if I have some answers,
I will be happy to share them.)
Emile Schwarz,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NetBSD for 68K Support Website
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 11:09:39 -0400
From: Erik Winkler <>
To: "" <>
All 68K Mac NetBSD Users:
Below is a link to my site with installation documentation to support
NetBSD on 68K Macintosh computers. There seems to be a real need for
novice documentation, so I wrote a new installation guide with
application screen shots. Please send me any comments you have on the
Scott, feel free to link to this page off the 68K NetBSD page.