Subject: GENERIC-24 and PowerBook 145B
To: None <>
From: Tim McNamara <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/21/2000 13:29:21
It's a little late, but the generic-24 kernel doesn't boot on my
PowerBook 145B.
There's a lot of clabber about every partition on the SCSI drives
that doesn't happen with the 1.4.2 generic kernel:
could not mode sense (4/5); using fictitious geometry
The boot process gets through reading the time from PRAM, notes that
it doesn't seem to be accurate, identifies the root file system type
(ffs), and then
panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == NODEV
stopped in init at _cpu_debugger+0x6 unlk a6
at which point I can reboot OK and go back in to the MacOS. There's
other options, of course, but I don't know what to do with them
(serious newbie-ness here).