Subject: Re: Snapshot problems
To: Tim McNamara <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/07/2000 10:26:53
Tim McNamara wrote:
>Is that the generic-24 build? If so, it doesn't boot on my PowerBook
>145B either. Or is this a different kernel?
No, this is the generic-26 build. I suspect the generic-24 is the
previous one which I'm about to try.
>With -24, There's a lot of clabber about every partition on the SCSI
>drives that doesn't happen with the 1.4.2 generic kernel:
>"could not mode sense (4/5); using fictitious geometry"
Is this coming from the kernel or from the Installer? There's a totally
different set of I/O routines used here.
>The boot process gets through reading the time from PRAM, notes that
>it doesn't seem to be accurate, identifies the root file system type
>as ffs, and then
>"panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cn_dev == NODEV
Looks like the kernel couldn't recognize the disk partitions. How did
you do the install? Via Mkfs/Installer or thru the installation kernel?
>stopped in init at _cpu_debugger+0x6 unlk a6
At least you got the kernel up and running before things went South. I'm
not even getting that far at this point. :-(