Subject: Setting up NetBSD for the first time
To: <>
From: Adam Liette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/30/2000 15:10:25
Hello all. I've recently downloaded and installed the basic packages for
NetBSD on my Quadra 650. I've run into some troubles. I know that I'm
supposed to modify the rc.conf file, but I'm stumped as to how to do it.
I did get the text editing package, and also downloaded and installed
(or tried to install) Pine and Pico. I'm fairly familiar with Pico, so I
thought I would try it. Now's the prob. when I try to launch either Pine
or Pico, I get a message:

   /usr/libexec/ pine: No such file or directory.

Also sometimes the 2.0 is a 3.0. What could be causing this/what am I
doing wrong???

Thanks you,

Adam Liette

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