Subject: Re: Free MacOS Xterm MI/X
To: Chris Tribo <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/04/2000 19:55:38
> I stumbled across this a week or two ago and didn't realize what I had
>until just now. If this is old news than oh well, but anyway: I just found
>a *free* PowerPC AND Mac68k color X term/server called MI/X. I'm using it
>right now to write this. A how to can be found at
> and the closest binary
>mirror I found that works is the Germany mirror listed at the top of the
>mirrors page. (sorry about the go around, but if you hit the above URL,
>you'll eventually get to it :) (Cut and paste don't appear to work from
>MacOS <==> my Xterm, but hey, it beats the alternative. Hope some of ya
>try it out.
I have used that program for quite a while, and like it. I just want to
warn you about a few gotchas with it.
They wrote it so that it would be easer to sell their software, so no
matter what client system their customer had they would still be able
to use their software. This is not a bad thing, it's just that their
software is all they really worry about making work with it.
I have found a few packages that just kill it, like Alexandria (our backup
tool) My warning is this, if it dies it's best to reboot insted of
just restarting the app, it can cause you a headache later, also keep
track of the programs that kill it, and don't use them ;) That will
also save you some headache.