Subject: Asante MacCon for LC ethernet card problem
To: None <>
From: Nathan Raymond <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/07/2000 23:28:26
This didn't probe properly with NetBSD 1.4.2 at boot - the memory 
size couldn't be determined.  I swapped it out for a Farallon LC 
ethernet card I had, and the Farallon worked fine.  (This surprised 
me - I always thought of Asante as the best supported ethernet cards 
manufacturer's for NetBSD.)

The Asante card in question is a "Asante MacCon for LC Rev. D2", 
copyright 1991, with a sticker on one of the chips that reads 
"22-0006-01 LC V1.1 U10-B".  The largest chip is labelled:

S9148AP C4

Is this card supported (and this is a bug) or am I the first person 
trying to use this card with NetBSD?

Nathan Raymond