Subject: Re: mac68k with netbsd - mp3, realplayer, browser?
To: None <>
From: Greg <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/12/2000 20:42:59
on 06/12/2000 6:14 PM, Colin Wood at is rumored to
have said:
> Constantine Karbaliotis wrote:
>> Hello; I am just getting my feet wet with NetBSD/mac68k; I have just
>> installed it on an SE/30, and am planning to use it as a print server. I
>> am currently running a couple of 68k Mac's with Debian Linux, so BSD is
>> an interesting experience for me. I was wondering -- unlike macLinux,
>> there is sound support for BSD, but how far does that go?
> currently available sound support is limited to a simple beep on the
> II-series '030-based mac's. any mac with EASC or Singer hardware isn't
> currently supported. this may change in the semi-near future (although
> not for the upcoming 1.5 release). ironically, it is easier to get more
> than simple beeps from the currently unsupported EASC hardware than it is
> from the "supported" ASC hardware.
If I recall correctly I think I saw something about someone having Darwin
Streaming server up and running on NetBSD....If this is the case, where can
I get it, and how well does it work? I was hoping to implement it to stream
out mp3's to the network at my place of employment for the enjoyment of our
IT dept. I have my 68k mac here at home that I would like to see it run on
and am running port-ppc at work on a 7300/180 which I know has the
horsepower to play them (if there was sound support ;) )