Subject: Re: BIND and chroot
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/10/2000 00:35:13
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline

It's a bit after the fact, but I had no trouble producing
statically-linked binaries on macppc. I think it may have been an
oddity of the architecture though, as my notes don't show how I did it
(smooth, eh?), nor was I ever able to build a statically-linked BIND
on Solaris through any contortions of CFLAGS.

I've included my notes below. Note that the web site I reference no
longer exists (sigh), but that recently ran an
article about chroot'ing BIND on Solaris. Between that, the Linux
page Joe mentions, and each of our notes, you should have no trouble.

Also, BIND couldn't give two shits about a $CHROOT-DIR/var/log, as I
later learned, just those referenced in named.conf's logging{}
section (my notes are confusing on this point).

       ~ g r @

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=bind-19991119

working from

Got the source from

(comes in several pieces, mainly you want -src.tar.gz, though -doc
isn't a bad idea... don't think there's much useful in -contrib in
this context)

uriel:bind-8.2.2-p5/src% make clean                                         [5]
uriel:bind-8.2.2-p5/src% make depend                                        [7]
uriel:bind-8.2.2-p5/src% make all                                           [8]

added group:

added user:
named:*:14:14::0:0:named chroot user:/chroot/named:/sbin/nologin

added directory:
uriel:/# mkdir chroot                                                       [3]
uriel:/# chmod 755 chroot                                                   [5]
uriel:/chroot# umask                                                       [15]
uriel:/chroot# umask 022                                                   [16]
uriel:/chroot# mkdir named                                                 [17]
uriel:/chroot# cd named/                                                   [19]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir dev                                             [20]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir etc                                             [21]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir etc/namedb                                      [22]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir usr                                             [23]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir usr/libexec                                     [24]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir var                                             [25]
uriel:/chroot/named# mkdir var/run                                         [26]
uriel:named/etc# cp /etc/localtime ./                                      [33]
uriel:named/etc# file localtime                                            [35]
localtime: timezone data
uriel:named/etc# rm -rf namedb                                             [40]
uriel:named/etc# cp -r /etc/namedb ./                                      [41]
uriel:named/etc# ln -s namedb/named.conf ./named.conf                      [48]
uriel:named/etc# cd ..                                                     [51]
uriel:/chroot/named# cd dev                                                [52]
uriel:named/dev# mknod null c 2 2; chmod 666 null                          [54]
uriel:named/dev# ll                                                        [55]
total 4
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel   512 Nov 19 12:52 ./
drwxr-xr-x  6 root  wheel   512 Nov 19 12:42 ../
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  2, 2 Nov 19 12:52 null
uriel:named/dev# ll /dev/null                                              [56]
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  2, 2 Nov 19 12:29 /dev/null
uriel:named/dev# touch console                                             [59]
uriel:named/dev# chown named:named console                                 [61]
uriel:named/dev# cd ..                                                     [63]
uriel:/chroot/named# cd var                                                [64]
uriel:named/var# mkdir log                                                 [65]
  [not entirely sure this is necessary, but it may be - syslog isn't chrooted,
   so logs should still end up in the real /var/log, but there's some suggestion   that named will bitch if it doesn't see the "custom logging directories" that
   are "define" - no mention of where]
uriel:/chroot/named# chgrp -R named etc/namedb/                            [75]
uriel:/chroot/named# chmod -R g+w etc/namedb/                              [76]
uriel:/chroot/named# ll etc/                                               [77]
total 10
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel   512 Nov 19 12:46 ./
drwxr-xr-x  6 root  wheel   512 Nov 19 12:42 ../
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1250 Nov 19 12:43 localtime
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    17 Nov 19 12:46 named.conf@ -> namedb/named.conf
drwxrwxr-x  3 root  named   512 Nov 19 12:44 namedb/
uriel:/chroot/named# ll etc/namedb/                                        [78]
total 28
drwxrwxr-x  3 root  named   512 Nov 19 12:44 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel   512 Nov 19 12:46 ../
-r--rw-r--  1 root  named   233 Nov 19 12:44 127
-r---w----  1 root  named   250 Nov 19 12:44 127.orig
drwxrwx---  2 root  named   512 Nov 19 12:44 RCS/
-rw-rw-r--  1 root  named   646 Nov 19 12:44
-r--rw-r--  1 root  named   999 Nov 19 12:44
-r--rw-r--  1 root  named  1115 Nov 19 12:44 named.conf
-r---w----  1 root  named   789 Nov 19 12:44 named.conf.orig
-rw-rw-r--  1 root  named   865 Nov 19 12:44
-rw-rw-r--  1 root  named  2831 Nov 19 12:44 root.cache
  [need to clean this up by hand on account of RCS - don't want the named group
   to be able to write to these files, as they should *never* come in via
   named-xfer on uriel]
uriel:/chroot/named# cp ~gr/src/bind-8.2.2-p5/src/bin/named/named ./       [98]
uriel:/chroot/named# file named                                            [99]
named: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1, statically linked, not stripped
uriel:/chroot/named# cp ~gr/src/bind-8.2.2-p5/src/bin/named-xfer/named-xfer usr/libexec/
uriel:~named# file usr/libexec/named-xfer                                 [103]
usr/libexec/named-xfer: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1, statically linked, not stripped
uriel:~named# strip named                                                 [104]
uriel:~named# strip usr/libexec/named-xfer                                [105]
uriel:~named# chgrp named var/run/                                        [109]
uriel:~named# chmod 775 var/run/                                          [110]


# rm /var/run/ndc
[named's old socket - it uses /chroot/named/var/run/ndc now]
# rm /var/run/
# ln -s /chroot/named/var/run/ /var/run/
# kill -9 [named] [syslogd]
# syslogd -p /chroot/named/var/run/log -p /var/run/log
# /chroot/named/named -u named -g named -t /chroot/named  
[make the calls in /etc/rc and related launch these two as above]
# chmod 000 /usr/sbin/named
[just to make sure no mistakes occur]
[... and proof:]
uriel:/etc# ps ajwx | grep named                                          [201]
root     20167     1 20167 e060c8c0    0 INs  ??    0:00.10 syslogd -p /var/run/log -p /chroot/named/var/run/log 
named    20169     1 20169 e0607240    0 INs  ??    0:00.18 /chroot/named/named -u named -g named -t /chroot/named 
root     20279  4627 20278 e0606f80    2 SN+  p4    0:00.04 grep named 
