Subject: Brasilian Guy in a silly BSD world
To: None <>
From: Marco <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/13/2000 20:34:36
But, 2 days ago, i decided to learn NETBSD, and intall
it im my Quadra650.
It's not a easy task when you speak portuguese, don't understand very well
english language ( how can you read), and don't know any poor soul using BS=
or any other *NIX operation sistem.
Could you give some help in this task?
Let show you a example:
i don't know if i'm using the correct kernel version (ALPHA_1.5)
How can i setup my IP address.
My NT don't see my QUADRA and vice-versa...
And so on........
Well, i hope to count with your help


Marco Antonio - S=E3o Paulo - Brasil