Subject: Re: Installing 1.5 on SE/30
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/2000 13:10:59
Allen Briggs wrote:

>> How about tcsh, God's gift to shell users? It was the first thing I
>> installed on my Apple Network Server. :-) And what is the most current
>> patchlevel of Perl available?
>It looks like no one has posted any pre-compiled 1.5 packages for m68k
>systems, but tcsh, bash, and several other shells are in pkgsrc/shells.
>Perl is in pkgsrc/lang, and is a slightly patched perl 5.6, if I recall
>correctly.  These should build with no problems on the mac.  There are
>well over 1000 other packages in pkgsrc that should build and run for
>you, too...

I finally got 1.5 installed on my Performa-550 and kicked off a marathon 
package build session this morning.  If nobody else gets to it before me 
I'll be uploading m68k packages. The 1.4.2 package build took me about 
six weeks of processor time, so if I'm the only one working on them you 
can expect the last of the packages by the end of January 2001.
