Subject: Re: root device?
To: Frederick Bruckman , Jim Arnott <>
From: Nico van Eikema Hommes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/2001 07:33:11

>> Platform: Centris 650
>> Configuration: 48mb ram, 230mb hd partitioned into 100mb Mac and 16mb
>> usr. Remainder BSD boot
>Let me guess: this is an IDE drive? Booting off of IDE has been
>reported to work on current (1.5?), but it's still experimental.

It is definitely a SCSI drive: the Centris (and Quadra) 650 don't have an
IDE controller. (if they had, I'd be using a much larger disk :-)
The first desktop machine to use IDE was the 630.

If the 230mb (internal?) drive is the only one, then it is "/dev/sd0".
The root partition would then be something like sd0a or sd0b with the
above disk layout. This information should be entered in one of the
booter dialogs.
"ae0" and "sn0" are ethernet addresses, btw., on the Centris, it is sn0.

>BTW, is that a typo? Why would you make /usr so small? For drives that
>small, it really doesn't make sense to have a separate /usr partition
>at all.

I would suggest to use that partition as swap and the rest as root/usr.

Best wishes,

Dr. N.J.R. van Eikema Hommes   Computer-Chemie-Centrum  Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Phone:   +49-(0)9131-8526532   Naegelsbachstrasse 25
FAX:     +49-(0)9131-8526566   D-91052 Erlangen, Germany