Subject: Re: MacOS requirements, installation medium, delurk, and 660av ethernet
To: Matthew Theobalds <>
From: Terje Elde <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/16/2001 23:15:33
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On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:28:58PM +0000, Matthew Theobalds wrote:
> > And so on. As these are .bin's it's tempting to ask if I can simply wri=
te them
> > out using dd on another UNIX system, but as they're "self mounting imag=
es" I'm
> > not quite sure what to think of them. Their size doesn't match with the=
m being
> > simply images, but I have no idea if that's because they're designed to=
 fit on
> > a floppy, thus sized smaller than a regular one.
> Yes, you could download them to a Unix system without trouble. The problem
> comes when you actually want to use them. You are right, they are Self
> Mounting Images. The way I would do it (with my setup) would be to downlo=
> the images. Un-Bin them and Double Click to mount. This is all standard M=
> OS procedure. You could then install from these images.

I actually found quite a nice solution.

I use mkisofs to make iso9660/hfs hybrid CD's. I don't need the PC exchange
control panel to use them. This way all I need is a easy to make boot disk
with CD driver, and I can load all the utils and tools I want on the CD. Not
to mention that I can fit both the Mac system and NetBSD. With a bit more
playing around I bet I can even make it boot :)

> > Do I understand it correctly that one easy way to actually get the NetB=
> > files onto the box could be to simply burn them on a CD, boot the loader
> > partition, then run the installer application and point it at the files=
 on the
> > CD?
> Yes. That'd be a very easy way. Bob Nestor, incidently, sells CDs if you
> want to go down that route. <>
> It's just occurred to me that these may in fact be bootable thus removing
> the above problem. You may want to check this yourself.

I've ordered, but between shipping to Norway and setting up a PayPal accoun=
t I
won't see the CD's any time soon.

> Hope I've helped you out here. Please feel free to ask anything that isn't
> clear.

You have. Quite a bit actually, which makes it all the more sad to have to
abuse your kindness once again:

I've tried the Mac forums, and spent over 5 hours trying different software
and searching like mad on the net, but to no avail.

The problem I'm having is that I've got a non-apple drive (seagate), which
isn't supported by Apple HD SC Setup. Fine, no problem... *smack* patched to
go. The problem on the other hand, is that both of the version's I tried
(latest one, patched and unpatched, as well as a 3.0 version) complain that
there's a open file on the disk, and that it as such cannot be initialized,=
partitions removed.

I've tried everything I can think off, but to no help at all. I've started =
suspect it's got something to do with the disk driver installed on the HD,
which is listed as FWB Async 0 ID:0 v.1.7.6.

Have anyone been having similar problems? Anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks again,

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