Subject: Re: modifing rc.conf via vi
To: None <>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/21/2001 09:08:29
On 25 Shevat 5761, wrote:
> Move down to the rc_configured line using the arrow keys. If they
> don't work, h=left, j=down, k=up, and l=right.
> Type ":s/NO/YES/" (Does a search and replace on the current line)
> Type ":wq" (Writes the file and then quits vi)
And certainly don't forget "i" (which puts you in insert mode), <ESC>
(which gets you out of insert mode) and "u" (which will undo the
previous command, if you're not in insert mode). Oh, and ":q!" which
will quit without saving if you really gum it up.
Charles Sebold
28th of Shevat, 5761
Overheard at Taco Bell, 29 October 1999:
"The all-seeing eye of Horus doesn't have an eyebrow."